How To Root Your Kindle Fire HD Successfully

This is hopefully going to be a simple, step-by-step guide on how to root your Kindle Fire HD successfully. I received the Kindle Fire HD 2 for Christmas 2012 from my ever-awesome other half & enjoyed it thoroughly for the first few days as just that, a Kindle. Within about 3 or 4 days, I’d done enough digging on how to root the Kindle and free it from Amazon’s restrictive clutches.

For those of you completely new to the concept, let me briefly explain. Other tablets out there are mostly running the Android OS, unrestricted and installed as-is, with the huge exception of Apple’s iPad offerings running iOS. You could be forgiven for thinking the Kindle Fire, HD and 2 were a completely different animal altogether at first glance, but in fact, they’re not! Amazon have taken the same Android OS and locked it down with a custom launcher and features tied to their services. While I appreciate everything about my Kindle and what it can do, within 4 days of unwrapping it, I’d released it from it’s restrictive, Amazon-locked shackles and rooted my Kindle Fire HD successfully. Read on to see how I did it!

Kindle Fire HD 2
The Kindle Fire HD 2

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Tech Survey: 19 Nov 2012

Greetings everyone! Two glorious weeks of annual leave are upon me again, and apart from the usual stuff that needs done around the house & the copious amounts of gaming I hope to get done during this pre-festive period, I DO have a lot of content I want to get up here on Tech Leopard and on my other blogs. For now, I’m including a little fun in the form of a tech survey which has been floating around & winged itself my way. If the mood strikes, please feel free to comment with your own answers or blog it yourself.

1. What is your favorite Apple product?
MacBook Pro! As pretty as the iMac is, and dinky as the Mac Mini is, I’m still a laptop girl at heart and nobody makes them as gorgeous as Apple.

2. Which version of Mac OS X did/do you enjoy using the most?
I’m outta the loop a little since my main Mac is still an old, late 2007, white MacBook. I started out on Leopard and upgraded to Snow Leopard – this model of MacBook won’t support Lion or Mountain Lion, though if it did I think I’d be seriously enjoying me some Mountain Lion goodness right now.

3. Do you prefer using a mouse or a trackpad?

4. 10-inch tablet or 7-inch tablet?
10’s nice, but 7’s that bit more portable and comfortable to hold in your hand for extended periods.

5. Do you think you could go an extended period of time (4-7 days) without two monitors?
Ooookay now don’t freak out, but I don’t have 2 monitors to use at home. *ducks* I’m still using a single 22″ monitor here hooked up to my gaming PC and my MacBook via a KVM switch. I get to use dual screens in my job now & feel like it’s spoiled me a bit, so hopefully I’ll be able to add a nice new monitor to my current setup someday soon!

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