Merry Christmas tech enthusiasts! This is just a quick little message to say that I hope Santa was good to you all and brought you all the gadgetry and upgrades you wished for. 🙂 Apologies for things growing quite quiet around the blog front, but there are a few things lined up for 2014 which … Read more
In preparation for building ANBU, before forking out for what would start out as a budget build, I took a lot of different factors into consideration. In order to justify spending on new hardware, the biggest question I found myself asking is, ‘What are the possible uses for a home server?’ Not only did this help me decide whether or not I really needed to have one, but also what I could add to it in future to really get my money’s worth out of a modest home server.
The HP Mediasmart Microserver – a popular alternative to building your own!
Apologies for this ‘August Upgrades’ post coming a little late in mid September! August became a bit of a whirlwind and before I new it, we were into September and I’d started a new job! Busy, busy times!
D-Link Powerline Adapters
Anyway, these are only minor upgrades due to budget this (and last) month, but every little improvement counts and so there’s another, albeit small post to add to the build log. In early Aug, pretty much straight after payday, I picked up a pair of D-Link Powerline Adapters to let us connect the server to the TV downstairs in the living-room where the idea was to have it become more of a HTPC. The other Aug purchase was a Sapphire HD5450 ATI Radeon 1GB DDR3 graphics card. The HD5450’s a basic 1GB card with an all-important HDMI port that offers audio as well as video. This was vital at the time to allow for easy use as a HTPC connected to our TV without having to worry about a separate speaker system for sound. The card copes fantastically with HD content so even BR quality video isn’t an issue. It also copes v nicely with basic gaming and emulators.